Delivering $60 Million for Our Community Services Block Grant Program

The Community Services Block Grant Program supports NY-21 community-based activities to tackle poverty, the opioid epidemic & education disparities. I strengthened these programs & delivered $60 million to programs in Upstate NY & the North Country.
Expanding Access to Lifesaving Treatment for Children with Cancer

I proudly voted to help pass the Childhood Cancer STAR Act, which is now law. This legislation helps provide children with access to lifesaving treatment.
Advocated for the Reopening of the Essex-Charlotte route of Lake Champlain Ferry

In February, I successfully worked to reopen the Essex-Charlotte ferry route in Essex County. Restoring cross-border travel is a top priority, and I was happy to work directly with the company to ensure this transportation route was reinstated.
Strengthening US Manufacturing and Farming by Passing USMCA

I proudly supported the USMCA trade agreement, which has helped expand our markets for American-made goods and bolster NY-21’s economy. This agreement was a significant win for farmers, small businesses, manufacturers, and families.
Strengthening our National Security by Countering Russia and China

As a member of the Armed Services & Intelligence Committees, I’ve fought to combat threats from foreign adversaries. In the national defense bill, I helped secure a provision prohibiting DoD funding to entities with contracts with China and Russia.
Leading the Fight to Expose and Fix Biden’s Baby Formula Shortage Crisis

I sounded the alarm on Biden’s baby formula shortage back in Feb, & I’ve fought to expose & end this crisis, including introducing legislation to help get formula back on shelves. As a new Mom, I’ll continue this advocacy until shelves are full.
Helping to Protect North Country Families from Scams and Robocalls

I helped pass legislation that will put tougher penalties on scam robocalls, including a penalty of up to $10,000 per violation. It is important that we fight scammers that seek to take advantage of the vulnerable in our community.
Fighting for Small Business

I worked to ensure that seasonal businesses were eligible for forgivable loans from the Payment Protection Program and that they received fair treatment during the loan process.
Securing Funding to Improve Lake George Wastewater Treatment

I was proud to help secure a major federal investment in Lake George to improve wastewater treatment and help Lake George continue to be a regional tourism leader and job creator for our region.
Recovered $3 Million in Social Security and Medicare for NY-21 Seniors

During my time in Congress, my office has helped recover $3.4 million in Social Security and Medicare for #NY21 families. I will continue to protect these vital programs for seniors now and for the future.