Tuesday, July 16th, 2024


MILWAUKEE, WI — In case you missed it, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik joined Fox News’ America’s Newsroom from the GOP National Convention in Milwaukee to discuss the investigation into Secret Service protection for President Trump and the top issues impacting the 2024 election.


Watch the full segment here and read the highlights below.

On the House Oversight Committee’s Investigation into the Assassination Attempt on President Trump:

There are more questions than answers. Particularly the video footage that you played earlier of the fact that visitors and attendees at the rally were pointing out the gunman and the assassin on top of the roof. There are questions as to, “how could this possibly have happened?” and we need to make sure this never happens again. So, she’s not able to make that decision. It’s members of Congress who are going to do our oversight responsibility and ask those tough questions. The American people deserve answers and there needs to be accountability where there are these law enforcement failures to improve to make sure it never happens again. So I know my colleagues on the House Oversight Committee are looking forward to the opportunity to ask those questions on behalf of the American people. 

On the Transformation of the GOP and the Conservative Movement:

This is a growing Republican Party because of President Trump’s leadership. Look at the historic support of African-American voters and Hispanic voters of states that are coming online that Democrats have taken for granted for years–places like Minnesota where President Trump in recent polling is ahead. Even in my home state of New York though, think about this, President Trump is polling in single digits. Every single swing district in New York State President Trump is winning. These are districts that Joe Biden won by 15, 17 points. It shows that he is growing the Republican Party and it also shows that today’s Democrat Party under Joe Biden is becoming radical and Far Left and I think that very much ties into, Dana referenced the college presidents and university presidents, that is a radicalized fundamentally unAmerican viewpoint and strain in today’s Democrat Party and is deeply out of touch with hardworking Americans. So this is a unifying event and what a powerful night for President Trump and the American people to see that sign of strength and unity last night. So people are excited. The American people are tuning in. I know my constituents at home are so excited to be here or watching.

Making America Safe Again for Jewish Americans:

It is going to be a theme of what I talk about as one of the keynote speakers for the House Republican leadership. This is an area we are standing up for the safety of all Americans, particularly Jewish Americans who have been under assault, physical assault, and verbal harassment on college campuses. But even in places like New York, I hear from so many Jewish New Yorkers who feel that they feel unsafe walking down the street, and President Trump stands strongly with the Jewish people. He condemns antisemitism very specifically and he’s been the greatest ally for Israel. So we are growing the party and as you look at some of these polling differences, Jewish Americans are increasingly voting Republican because they know we will stand strong and stand up for what’s morally right when it comes to condemning antisemitism.

On Biden’s Crime Crisis:

There is a discussion on results of Joe Biden’s failed policies and take my home state of New York. We have a crime crisis in New York State. We’re seeing a max exodus of New Yorkers who are fearful, young women who have been raped, who have been murdered. Jewish Americans who are getting harassed, physically assaulted. You have the smash and grabs. We are talking about that because that is a result of Democrats’ failed policies. Defund the police policies and rhetoric which is part of Joe Biden’s Democrat Party. We see it in New York State and that’s one of the reasons why the polling is moving. We believe that victims need to have a voice. Family members need to have a voice who have been impacted by this surge in violent crime resulting from pro-criminal instead of pro-victim policies. 

On Biden’s Border Crisis:

Every state is a border state now. It’s not just the Southern Border states or the Northern Border states. People forget even along the Northern Border, which I represent, we have the highest rate of illegal crossings on the Northern Border ever in our nation’s history and of course, the Southern Border, the historic number of millions of illegals pouring across. That is going to be front and center for all Americans.