By Pat Bradley Published on June 2, 2019

On Friday, the North Country Chamber of Commerce hosted a Quebec-New York Aerospace/Transportation Equipment Rendezvous in Plattsburgh. The event brought together representatives from industry and government including New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik. The Republican, co-chair of the congressional Northern Border Caucus, was one of the keynote speakers. The 21st District representative sat down with WAMC’s North Country Bureau Chief Pat Bradley to discuss a number of issues — including her reaction to Robert Mueller’s latest comments.

“Well I was listening to Mueller’s press conference as I was traveling to Clayton for a tour of the St. Lawrence River. I think Mueller focused on the findings of the Mueller Report which I have read and I have been supportive of making that as transparent as possible to the American public and I think his focus specifically on ensuring that every American understands the systemic efforts from Russia to undermine our elections in 2016 is an incredibly serious matter and we need to make sure that we’re putting polices in place, whether its investing in cypbersecurity, whether it’s making sure states have the resources they need to make sure their elections are safe and secure or whether its closing loopholes related to the FEC I’ve been a leader on a number of legislative proposals.”

Republican Elise Stefanik is in her third term representing New York’s 21st District.  So far, she is being challenged in 2020 by Democrat Tedra Cobb, who lost to Stefanik in 2018.

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