May 4, 2024

By Jeff Poor


Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” House Republican Conference chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told fill-in host Kayleigh McEnany that House Republicans have expanded a probe into the threats against Jewish students at U.S. colleges and universities.

She called the threat to Jewish students, especially foreign students in the United States on a student visa, a “real threat” across higher education.

“That’s going to be part of this House Republican-wide probe, Kayleigh,” she said. “That’s why it’s so important that we’ve expanded this investigation because it’s not just oversight of U.S. taxpayer dollars to these institutions, it’s student visas for foreign students who are harassing Jewish students, who are attacking Jewish students on campus.”

“The outside agitators piece absolutely we need to work with our law enforcement to get to the bottom of it, and we are committed to doing so,” Stefanik continued. “Take Columbia. NYPD put out data that over 40% of the individuals were outside and unaffiliated with Columbia. Now, you still have Columbia professors and Columbia students and they need to be expelled, but that’s why these investigations are so important.”

“And as we saw the hearing that where my questions went viral and the answers — the morally bankrupt answers from the presidents of Penn and Harvard, that set off a real crisis across higher education that has been brewing for a very long time,” she added. “And it’s House Republicans that are going to lead to protect Jewish students and specifically condemn antisemitism and get rid of this woke radicalization. And you know who has been so silent? Joe Biden.”


Read the article in Breitbart here.