Written by WRGB Staff for CBS 6 on May 19, 2020
GLENS FALL NY (WRGB) – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik successfully secured over $21 million from the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services for Glens Falls Hospital, in a time when the Hospital had shown a desperate need for funds.
Congresswoman Stefanik reports that the hospital applied for this funding from the Medicare Advance Payment over a month ago, but their application was put on pause. She says her office was able to work directly to resume their application process, even taking the matter to President Trump.
“I raised the importance of financial support for Glens Falls Hospital with President Trump and the White House Chief of Staff,” said Congresswoman Stefanik. “In addition, I worked directly with HHS and Glens Falls Hospital to resolve the issue and ensure their funding of $21 million will be delivered in under a week.
Glens Falls Hospital has recently shown a need for funds, including furloughing over 300 employees back in April. The hospital set up a community driven fund later that same week to raise funds during the pandemic.
Congresswoman Stefanik said she extensively advocated for the unique challenges faced by Glens Falls Hospital, and will continue to support local hospitals.
“I will continue to work directly with hospitals, health departments, and struggling families to deliver much-need relief and results for my constituents.”
Stefanik’s office reports the hospital will receive the funds in five days.
You can read the full article at https://cbs6albany.com/