Thursday, May 30th, 2024


Stefanik Statement On The Rigged Verdict In The New York City Biden Trial Against President Trump

GREENWICH, NY – Today, House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik released the following statement regarding the rigged verdict in the New York City Biden Trial against President Donald J. Trump:

“Today’s verdict shows how corrupt, rigged, and unAmerican the weaponized justice system has become under Joe Biden and Democrats. I fully support President Trump appealing this decision and look forward to a higher New York Court to deliver justice and overturn this verdict. The facts are clear: this was a zombie case illegally brought forward by a corrupt prosecutor doing Joe Biden’s political bidding in a desperate attempt to save Joe Biden’s failing campaign. The case hinged on the testimony of a convicted felon who was disbarred for lying and perjured himself when he lied to Congress. This sham trial was overseen by a corrupt and highly unethical Judge who is a Biden donor and whose own family has directly profited from this case. This corrupt Democrat Judge imposed a clearly unconstitutional gag order on President Trump and his team. This corrupt Democrat Judge routinely sided with the prosecution and prevented President Trump’s defense from calling a critical witness to the stand. The prosecution team that brought forward this case consisted of a Soros-funded Far Left Democrat District Attorney on a vendetta, Democrat political operatives, and Democrat donors. From the start, the weaponized scales of justice were stacked against President Trump. Joe Biden, Far Left Democrats, and their stenographers in the mainstream media have made it clear they will stop at nothing to prevent President Trump from returning to the White House. We must work around the clock to ensure President Trump is victorious this November to save America from Biden’s failed Far Left Democrat agenda and the illegal weaponization of the justice system against the American people.”


Chairwoman Stefanik has been a key ally to President Trump during this sham Biden trial: